Legal Arts has broad and deep experience in every major practice area. If you’d like detailed information or samples of work in any area, check these links or call us. We’re also available to collaborate with your in-house team.
Automotive Liability
Business & Commercial Litigation
Construction Litigation
Copyright, Trademark & Publicity Rights
Criminal Defense
Employment & Labor
Environmental Litigation
Forensic Economics
Insurance Coverage & Defense
Matrimonial Dissolution
Military Justice Defense
Patent Infringement
Personal Injury & Wrongful Death
Product Liability
Professional & Police Liability
Real Estate & Land Use
Trade Secret Misappropriation
In-House Creative Support
Exclusivity, guaranteed accessibility, and potentially significant cost savings make internal graphics production appealing. Is your firm ready to take the plunge?
We can help. Leverage Jim Gripp’s personal experience in-house at a BigLaw firm and 40+ years as an independent provider to help you establish a turn-key graphics operation of your own.
Jim can help you develop develop a business plan, recruit talent, equip your office, and get underway quickly, efficiently, and economically. Jim also helps established entities elevate their creative capabilities and fulfill overflow and special project needs.